Newman’s Own Coffee
McDonald’s coffee sucked.
And with Dunkin’ Donuts stealing breakfast share, we needed to do something about it. So we got special dispensation from McDonald’s corporation to sell a co-branded coffee in our New England restaurants and had Newman’s Own Organics develop an exclusive “New England blend” just for us. This led to the award-winning campaign that asked “Are you New England enough to drink our coffee?” We came up with even more New Englandisms for the radio and digital ads and developed a microsite that housed quizzes and a driving game that tested your ability to navigate the obstacles that go hand-in-hand with a typical NE winter like parking spot savers, highway deer crossings and just plain bad drivers.
Our strategy worked. Not only did we sell more coffee than ever, but we also saw an increase in breakfast ticket totals because consumers were buying food to go with their coffee.

“NE Quiz: Part I” (:30)
“NE Quiz: Part II” (:30)